Evaporators and heat exchanger
A Roll-Bond evaporator is a heat exchanger, which is mainly used in refrigerators and freezers. Its primary function is to remove the heat from the air inside of the fridge or the freezer. Roll-Bond evaporators provide the best results (among competing technologies) in term of energy consumption of the refrigerators. They are mainly used for appliances with the highest energy efficiency classes A++ and A +++ and better.
Roll-Bond evaporator panel is made of two welded aluminium plates, between which a channel system is formed. On the places where we would like to have channels formed, we print on one aluminium plate (inner surface) a picture of channels with a special paste, which prevents bonding of aluminium plates when they are rolled together. After rolling, the channels between the two aluminium plates are inflated by a special inflation process. Evaporator plates are then prepared for further operations.
Roll-Bond heat exchangers are used as:
heat exchangers for the installation in PVT (hybrid photovoltaic) panels;
absorbers for vacuum and flat solar receivers of solar power;
condensers of heat pumps;
cooling plates for battery cooling.
Given the various possible transmission media in heat exchangers, we developed an appropriate paste for printing the channel systems on the aluminium plates, which are suitable for using a mixture of glycol - water in order to avoid possible electrochemical and corrosion processes.