Synthos XPS PRIME D is a state-of-the-art insulation product in our product range. Its modern formula is the continuation of the highly acclaimed Synthos XPS PRIME S. The distinctive black colour of Synthos XPS PRIME D has been obtained thanks to the innovative technology used in its manufacturing, which gives the product a very high thermal insulation, while maintaining excellent technical parameters. When creating the new XPS PRIME D, we were aiming to introduce a product with excellent thermal insulation and to maintain care with regards to the environment throughout the entire production process and during its use. Consequently, the high thermal insulation of the product was obtained by only ecological means. Synthos XPS PRIME D is marked with the GREEN LAMBDA symbol, which is a sign of our commitment to offer innovative solutions without negatively affecting the environment. GREEN - the environmental performance of the product. Harmful freons are not used in its production and the process of foaming is based on carbon dioxide. LAMBDA is characterised by a very high level of thermal insulation offered by Synthos XPS PRIME D. A very low λ value can significantly reduce energy losses and expenses on the operation of buildings.