Südzucker is the world’s number one sugar producer
The Story of the S
Südzucker´s visual language is characterized by a recurring S-shape in all communications. This multi-facet S represents our promises to our customers:
Secure supply
Stunning service
Sustainable solutions
Operational excellence meets customer centricity
The S-shape visuals show two worlds that meet. In addition to the company’s operational excellence, Südzucker recognises the need to open up to customer’s individual needs and wants. It’s this customer centricity and the company’s aim to become a trusted advisor that is at the heart of Südzucker’s business strategy.
With a natural sweetener at the heart of our business, we’re committed to protecting nature’s best.
As an agricultural based business sustainability is embedded in our corporate strategy. Our sugar production sites are industry leading in the fields of sustainability and we are respectful that the earth is a precious commodity.
Sustainability is front and centre within all of Südzucker’s fields of endeavor: from procurement to the environmental, energy aspects of production, product responsibility and quality, and our social responsibility regarding working conditions and human rights – we cover the entire value chain.
Südzucker has a zero waste policy. From sowing and harvesting to processing in the factory, we’ve continually refined, aligned and optimised our methods to achieve zero waste. And together with beet growers, we’ve successfully driven forward many projects in the area of beet cultivation and logistics.
Things you maybe didn’t know about our sugar production:
Farmers who arrive to deliver beets leave site with animal feed which is a by-product from our production
Electricity returned to national grid
The water removed from the beets during production is reused to wash more beets ensuring nothing goes to waste
Soil which may be attached to beet upon delivery is returned to the farmers fields
Lime stone and organic residues from the sugar beet purifaction process is an excellent agricultural fertiliser