Britten-Norman Defender
Incorporating the latest product innovations, the Defender’s low-speed handling and manoeuvring capabilities enable it to excel in the aerial surveillance role.
With its extended loiter and low noise signature, this is the aircraft of choice for covert operations.
The Defender’s prime roles include military intelligence, counter-terrorism, surveillance, reconnaissance, maritime patrol and special missions.
Flight Deck
The Defender doesn’t have a cockpit – it has a sophisticated flight deck. Equipped with either the Garmin or Universal glass cockpit architecture, the aircraft offers a full PFD, MFD and FMS suite with integrated autopilot, options for iPad and electronic flight bag and further enhancements including NVG compatibility.
The real secret of the aircraft’s success comes from the ability to integrate information from the mission systems operators into the panel, thereby reducing in-aircraft “chatter” and increasing mission effectiveness. Combined with the aircraft’s ability to fly pre-configured, coupled search patterns, the Defender allows significantly enhanced crew situational awareness.
Standard Avionics
Garmin G600 series with GTN
KFC325 autopilot
Universal avionics all glass cockpit
NVG compatibility
Weather radar
Mission repeaters
Master Armament and Defensive Aids Suite
Twin Engine Reliability
The Defender BN2T is powered by Rolls Royce 250 320hp engines. The Defender 4000 is powered by Rolls Royce 250-B17F engines.